Hey guys! I haven't talked about school in a while so thought I would pop in because this year is weird. Right now we are doing remote learning, Arizona has been struggling to keep our numbers down, but we have some groups of parents pushing to get all kids back in the building. I'm not sure what's going to happen so trying to prepare either way! I really don't mine the remote learning right now, other than not seeing all my students in person... But we have a schedule for all our students and live sessions daily so that we can still teach and make sure they are getting their education.
I love the beginning of the year because that means school supplies! But, because we aren't in the classroom I didn't really get much of anything this year. I snagged a few things from the dollar bins at Target, but for the most part I got what I wanted/needed from Amazon. So check out my favorites below and tell me what do you like getting for the new school year?
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First lets be real, clothes are always what's on my mind so I grabbed all of these for teaching in the classroom or for being comfortable at home. I LOVE these three dresses and have already worn them all. The skirt is also another favorite and I have paired it with multiple top + it's long enough to wear to school! I finally got this highly rated jumpsuit so I will update you with what I think about it. Side note, many of these items have been getting discounted and have coupons so check them out!
Next up are well, school supplies....for me. We have a budget at school ($100, woo!) to buy classroom supplies so I tend to buy things that I will use for myself in my classroom. I love flair pens and they are on MAJOR sale right now so add to cart if you need to restock! Binder clips are my jam and I use them for everything so I love having extra on hand. This at home laminator is amazing. I have had mine for years (older model) and will continue to buy Scotch when I need to replace (going on 9 years with mine and still no issues!). Teacher carts are always useful and this year especially if we are moving classrooms or locations! I use my ipad to create digital lessons a lot so a stylus is a must. I like this one because it is rechargeable, has a pencil tip for one end, and then the soft stylus for the other. And lastly are blue light glasses. I love these thicker framed ones but there are TONS of options. I started wearing them consistently at the end of last year and feel like they do help cut down on those headaches.
Now, let's talk about self care. This is something that I have generally always put to the side until Covid hit More time at home means more time to actually start taking care of myself more with routines. My facial routine is much better now because I have been consistent with it and also my hair routine as well. I linked some of my favorites below. I use these beauty blenders daily, the microfiber towel is perfect for plopping my hair up when went then scrunching, and the case is so good for storage and traveling. The silicone face mask brushes are new to me and I am really excited to try them out because my brushes have all been inconsistent and these were recommended to me on Instagram.
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August 2020
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