What a month! I ended up reading 20 books this month and had such a fun time! I had planned on reading 5 physical books and then whatever I ended up reading on my Kindle. I only read 3/5 physical books I planned but then I ended up reading others as a buddy read and because I got sucked into a few series. These are all the physical books I read and some I enjoyed more than the others! I planned on reading My Saving Grace *KU* and My Favorite Mistake because I got these in my Romance Reveal Box - a Romance book subscription I am trying out! Both were 3 Star reads for me, but they are both signed copies which I thought was pretty cool! I ended up reading Maybe Someday as a buddy read with a friend and then read the second novella, Maybe Not, in the series as well. Although these have a cheating element in them I did like that there was diversity in the book with someone being deaf and using sign language. These were also three star reads for me as well.
I made a goal to read more books this year, but I didn't give myself a set number to achieve. I wanted to read more than last year but wasn't sure how many books I would be able to read. Last year I read 37 so I figured maybe I would hit 50, in no way did I intend to read 119 but here we are! I greatly attribute my Kindle for helping this reading addiction and definitely going to pitch Kindle Unlimited (KU) to you as well because it is so worth it! I realized I needed to stop just buying books, and the library app (Libby) didn't always have what I wanted available, so Kindle Unlimited was so nice to be able to search for books and borrow them! It's also a huge bonus when your friends also have it so you can do a mini book club together!
If I didn't like a book I put a note next to it so if you're browsing for your next book take a look below. I organized by series and then category the best that I could. I think next year I will organize my list in my phone better for this! Leave me a comment if you want to know more about one of the books I read or have another recommendation. *Links are affiliate and I will earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no cost to you* Do you get easily sucked into books? I sure do, and the Avalon Bay Series was so good I read them both in a few days! I had read Elle Kennedys Off-Campus series and loved the way she wrote, so I decided to try our Good Girl Complex. Of course after I finished I immediately had to get the next one in the series because I wanted both brothers stories. I've been on such a reading kick this year and have been loving trying new authors and genres. I never used to read any type of romance novel and now I just can't stop! I first found Elle Kennedy on my Kindle and then stumbled upon these at Target. Her writing is just so easy to read and her stories just suck you in! At first I was unsure about Good Girl Complex because when reading reviews I saw quite a few people compared it to After but I wouldn't compare them at all. Yes they both start with a bet but After is much more cruel and a very intense love story with a lot of humiliating and extreme situations. Good Girl Complex starts with Cooper making a bet to get back at Mac's boyfriend for getting him fired. The small townies don't like the "clones" aka rich kids that come for school and this is where the story begins. So obviously this is the one correlation between the stories, but this is a much more lighthearted and has closure all in one book instead of needing four. I do wish there was more of an epilogue but I was okay when I started reading Bad Girl Complex because then you get more of Mac and Cooper along with Evan (Cooper's brother) and Gen's story. I loved how Elle Kennedy gives you both perspectives of the story and I am even more excited because I saw that coming this summer the next book in the series is coming out The Summer Girl and I cannot wait to see yet another part of the story of Avalon Bay. She is the granddaughter of the woman that sold Mac the boardwalk hotel that she is redoing (I assume) so I can't wait to see if all these stories get intertwined! Check out below to read the overview of the stories and let me know if you're read them or if you have any other recommendations!
AboutI have made a yearly goal to read more and once I got my Kindle working again I haven't stopped. Here you will find my reviews of my more recent reads to share with you. Archives
September 2024